We have attorneys at Aaby Family Law to help you if you need assistance in obtaining any of these orders or representation at a contested hearing. There are also many wonderful programs in our community that also assist victims for free or at a reduced rate. There is a national sexual assault hotline which can be reached at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673). Oregon has its own sexual assault task force; their website is http://oregonsatf.org/help-for-survivors/. Bradley Angle is another amazing organization located in the Portland Metro area. This organization is devoted to “building communities that are free from domestic violence and oppression, where loving, compassionate, and equitable relationships exist for all people.” They operate a 24-hour crisis line, 503-281-2442. Their website, http://bradleyangle.org, is very informative and contains many touching stories of hope for victims, as well as other resources.
New Protective Order for Victims
As of January 1, 2014, we have a new tool to protect victims of sexual assault called a Sexual Assault Protective Order or “SAPO” for short. We still have Family Abuse Protective Act restraining orders (“FAPAs”) and a Stalking Protective Orders (“SPOs”). However, these Orders did not protect a victim that had a one-time encounter with a perpetrator. The FAPA restraining order requires a “relationship” between the parties and a SPO requires at least two incidences of conduct. The SAPO is meant to protect the people who fell through the gaps between these two orders.