FOR YOUNG CHILDREN When I Miss You by Cornelia Maude Spelman: A story told through animal characters about separation anxiety. The story helps young children understand the emotions associated with missing a parent and finding ways to soothe themselves during this...
Firm News
CARES Stimulus Check FAQ
The IRS is in the process of developing procedure for the issuance of stimulus payments as required under the CARES Act. The procedures are evolving and the information below is based on what is known as of this date. As always, it is best to check with your...
State Family Law Advisory Committee (SFLAC) Guidelines During COVID-19
SFLAC has issued guidelines to parents sharing custody or parenting time during COVID-19. They can by found by clicking here. As always, consult an attorney for more specific advice related to your case. Stay safe and be well!
Can a Child Make Custody and Parenting Time Decisions?
Common Question: Under Oregon law, isn't there a certain age that my child will be able to decide custody or parenting time issues? Answer: No. There is not a specific age when the Court allows a child to determine who they will live with or how often they will...
New Protective Order for Victims
As of January 1, 2014, we have a new tool to protect victims of sexual assault called a Sexual Assault Protective Order or "SAPO" for short. We still have Family Abuse Protective Act restraining orders ("FAPAs") and a Stalking Protective Orders ("SPOs"). However,...
Aaby Family Law News
Many exciting things are taking place at Aaby Family Law. First, we are moving! Our new office is located at 8705 SW Nimbus Avenue, Suite 230, Beaverton, OR 97008. The building is Creekside Five inside the Creekside Corporate Park. While we will miss our old...
“Graying” Divorce Trend
NPR's All Things Considered had an interesting piece yesterday about the increase in divorces of middle-aged and older Americans. The radio piece cited a study out of Bowling Green State University, which found that one in four people getting divorced is age 50 or...
Push for Joint Custody Laws
There was an interesting piece on NPR's Morning Edition yesterday about a push to change custody laws to favor joint custody. No matter what your thoughts are on the issue, it's interested to know states are grappling with the issue of the best starting point for...
Parenting Schedules
Parents frequently consult with me for help in creating a parenting schedule. A parenting schedule is simply a written summary of how much time each child will spend with each parent and how the parents will divide between them the decision-making authority related to...
Insulating Kids from Divorce
WebMD has a very good article on mistakes divorcing parents make when it comes to their children. While the majority of people going through divorce make their kids mental well-being their number one priority, it pointed out times when very well intentioned parents...